You’ve been craving to get out into the great outdoors as of late and reconnect with nature.
Taking a look at your tent and essential survival gear, which you last used years ago for your previous weekend retreat, you think you’ve got everything you need.
So you make your way into the wild green yonder to set up your survival camping site.
Nightfall is around the corner and after hours of hiking, you believe you’ve found the perfect spot.
But after you open up your pack to set up, you realize that you’re severely unprepared.
Your camping survival gear is old, incomplete, and broken.
The tent has holes and you’re starting to see the errors of your ways. While atsecuring a home you've been prepping with a 72 hour food kit and a fully filled out bug out bag list, you didn't bring all of that into the woods.
[product_render product-handle="72-hour-emergency-food-kit"]
The darkness of the night is here and you don’t have the supplies to make a fire. You want to head back but you don’t remember the way back.
You pull out your phone and discover you have no signal with no connection to GPS.
This night could have gone so much better if you had prepared for the journey and packed the right camping survival kit.
Packing an essential survival kit is more important than keeping you alive.
If you’re camping with a group, then your foresight may be what keeps them safe and alive as well.
Of course, it is always better to share your knowledge before the trip than to share your limited suppliers during it.
Because an emergency is always a possibility. You never expect it to happen, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry with your camping survival gear.
Everyone believes they can confidently use their own two feet to walk.
But how many times have you seen Aunt Ginny take a nosedive after tripping over seemingly nothing?
A sprained ankle may not be an issue when moving from the kitchen to the living room, but when you’re 25 miles into the thick of it it becomes a real issue of thinking on your feet.
Survival Camping: Knowledge Above All Else

They say “the tools make the man." Wrong!
The wilderness isn’t your garage and nature isn’t your personal toolbox. The greatest tool you will ever use, camping or otherwise is your intelligence.
Having a firm understanding of the terrane, local wildlife, and your survival camping gear is of the utmost importance when it comes tosurvival rules.
Knowing how to properly use them, and what to do in an emergency is a critical key to your adventures.
One of the essential elements often missing from articles like these is the emphasis on food preparedness. While you're packing your camping survival gear, remember to include long-lasting, easy-to-prepare food items.
Companies like Valley Food Storage offer a variety of such products, designed to provide you with nourishing, delicious meals even in survival situations. It’s always a good idea to have these items in your survival camping gear.
If you can learn how to identify and prevent a situation before it even occurs, you’ll be leagues above the rest of the people out there.
It doesn’t matter if you have the finest gear and the best stockpile of medical supplies in your tailor-made Gucci bag.
If you don’t know how to use them properly or what to do if an accident occurs, you’re absolutely useless.
So, first and foremost, learn about the area. Learn about everything you need to bring.
And, learn precautionary measures to survive before taking on mother nature.
Clear communication and establishing a backup plan with your group can avoid a lot of dumb decisions from occurring during your trip.
Do you know the person who dies first in action survival movies?
Why do they die first?
Because they don’t listen and they panic when it hits the fan.
Or, they simply eat it on a walk because they didn’t pay attention to the areas where rattlesnakes like to rest.
There are countless sources of information to use for your benefit.
Wilderness Medical Guides,Outdoor Emergency and Injury Tips, andInjury Treatments are all available online to read and print off for your carry-on pleasure.
Another key aspect to consider while preparing your camping survival kit is water purification. Water is crucial for survival, and in the wilderness, it might not always be readily available or safe to drink. Therefore, including a reliable water purification system in your camping survival gear is a smart move. There are various options to choose from, including portable filters, purification tablets, or even UV light-based purifiers.
There is also a wealth of wilderness survival books out there to read and pack with you.
Plus, if all else fails, an old trusty Eagle Scout survival book can provide some valuable insight and carry on the three promises of the Scout Oath.
Finally, don't forget the importance of a positive mental attitude in a survival situation. Confidence, calmness, and the will to survive can often be just as essential as any piece of survival camping gear. Make sure you are mentally prepared for the challenge and ready to make rational decisions, even in stressful situations.
Survival Camping: The Right Pack to Carry Your Essential Survival Gear!

Believe it or not, selecting the right survival community pack is as important as the survival camping gear you bring along!
Like I mentioned before, your Gucci bag may make you the prettiest of all the boys in the yard, but it won’t do you any favors in the wilderness. (and if you are the type to own and bring a stylish bag along to go survival camping, then survival camping isn’t the thing for you).
Now, I know you may think the military sack you own is your favorite and stand-all storage piece for tough wilderness excursions, but you may be finding yourself impotently spending energy at the cost of your lower back at the same time.
In any survival situation, it's critical to consider the weight and bulk of your camping survival gear. While you might think that the more gear you have, the better prepared you'll be, this isn't necessarily the case. In fact, overpacking can lead to fatigue and slow you down, which could potentially put you in danger. To avoid this, prioritize your camping survival kit based on the essential survival gear you'll need, and leave out anything that isn't absolutely necessary.
In order to protect your back, the best options are packs that include these features:
Lots of storage space and compartments for organization
- Reinforced frontal straps to provide additional spinal support
- Sectioned spacing for proper weight distribution.
- Flexible straps on the top and sides for additional survival camping gear
- Cushioned central padding for comfort and back protection
- Made of durable, lightweight, material
- Breathable compartments for drying damp materials
- Waterproof compartments for damageable valuables and electronics
Survival packs are also best in brighter, solid, colors with reflectors and other eye-catching designs.
Another important consideration when preparing your camping survival kit is food. Food not only provides the necessary energy for physical activities but also boosts morale in challenging situations. At Valley Food Storage, we provide long-lasting, nutritious, and tasty food options that are perfect for your survival camping adventures. Our products are lightweight, easy to carry, and require minimal preparation - making them an ideal choice for your survival camping gear.
If You're in a Survival Situation, Proper Weight Distribution Could Save Your Life
The way you organize your survival gear is essential too!
Many campers and hikers make the common mistake of placing the heaviest objects on the bottom of the pack.
Proper weight distribution is key to protecting your spine and conserving energy. The best placement for items to distribute the most amount of weight evenly is to actually place the heaviest of your materials in the center of the pack closest to your back. You should then surround these heavy items with lighter survival camping gear.
What You Wear Is a Critical Piece of Your Essential Survival Camping Gear
Clothing all in itself is a critical key to surviving the terrain.
In addition to clothes, your survival camping gear should include a reliable means of communication. This could be a cell phone with a fully charged battery, a satellite phone, or even a radio transceiver. Whichever option you choose, make sure it's kept in a waterproof compartment of your pack to avoid damage.
The Essentials to Pack for Your Camping Survival Kit
But this isn’t a blog about summer camping wardrobe, it’s a blog about what essential survival gear you need to PACK!
So last but not least important, the essentials you need to pack.
The 13 tools you need to build the best summer survival camping pack!
1. Personal Single-Sized Camping Tent

The best tents can be erected with either light small poles or strung up between the terrain you are camping in.
They need to provide sufficient enough shelter from the elements like rain or dew and enough protection from insects and dangerous critters.
2. Small-Medium Sized Tarp

The tarp can provide coverage from above as well as below and are a key multitool in survival camping.
Not only can it keep you dry from a heavier rainstorm, but it can collect that same rainwater for you to purify and drink later!
It can also double as a poncho in necessary situations.
3. Lightweight Sleeping Bag: A Survival Camping Necessity

Sleeping bags have come a long way since the overstuffed monstrosities that I was used to. These days, survival camping gear like sleeping bags come in sleek lightweight designs that are easy to carry and compartmentalize in your pack. Most are designed in a similar fashion to a space blanket in order to keep you warm and comfortable in near frigid survival conditions. All while still having the ability to fit snugly into the bottom of your pack.
If you're gearing up for survival camping, it's also important to consider the material of your sleeping bag. Synthetic fill is often preferred for its ability to maintain insulation even when wet, and it dries out faster. Additionally, it's usually more affordable than down-filled bags. On the other hand, down-filled sleeping bags provide excellent warmth and are lighter, but they lose their insulating properties when wet.
4. Multi-Purpose Survival Tool: A Key Item in Your Camping Survival Kit
A good multi-purpose tool should contain the main essential attachments you would need while survival camping.
This essential survival gear includes
- Pliers, Knife
- Scissors
- Small Saw
- Can Opener
- Flathead and Phillips ScrewDrivers
- File, Strip Hook
- Wire Cutters.
5. Machete: Essential Survival Camping Gear
In order to get through the thick of the brush, you’re going to need to cut yourself a path. If you dream of ditching the tent in favor of building your own form of shelter then you’re going to need to cut yourself some wood.
When you suddenly find yourself in a survival camping type of situation, cutting wood is going to be critical.
Awell-made Machete is a must for any camping trip.
The fewer the number of items you need to pack the better.
That’s why it’s suggested to go for these combination tools to save on space while still getting the job done.
6. Paracord / Tape: Invaluable in Survival Situations
A rope is essential to any mission, just ask the Boondocks brothers.
The endless applications paracord, rope, or tape can be used is what makes it such a versatile tool to have on hand.
Whether it comes down to making a splint, hanging your tent or clothes, or binding support for your camp this is an absolute must to bring along.
7. Fire Starting Survival Tools: Master the Elements
Another essential item in your camping survival kit is a reliable fire starter. This could be matches, a lighter, or even a fire steel. Fire is crucial for warmth, cooking food, and purifying water. Remember to keep your fire starter in a waterproof compartment to ensure it stays dry and ready to use.
Having the ability to make fire is what makes you the master of the food chain.
Well, that and having opposable thumbs.
Having a flint striking stick to spark some thin tinder is the oldest and truest way to start your campfire.
However, a box of waterproof matches or a simple Bic lighter are also effective.
Remember, starting a fire isn't just about having the right tools. It also requires knowledge and practice. You should know how to gather dry tinder and kindling, build a fire lay,and then nurture a spark into a flame. If you're in a survival camping scenario, fire can provide heat, light, a way to cook food, and a psychological boost.
8. Metal Pot / Mugs: Cookware for Your Camping Survival Kit
Without a doubt, you’re going to get hungry when you’re out in the wild.
Lots of hiking means lots of energy that you need to restore. And unless you’re satisfied with snacking on the berries and leaves that are safe to consume, you’re probably going to want something substantial to eat.
Cast-iron pots /pans/ mugs are perfect for placing over a fire to cook your meals but they are too heavy and cumbersome for long hauls.
Suitable camping cooking ware is light, compact, and cooks over an open fire without warping from the heat. Speaking of Food!
9. Emergency Food: Essential Survival Gear for Sustenance
The food you bring along should not need refrigeration, that is basic knowledge. Depending on the length of your trip,survival food is your best bet for your source of nutrition and food intake.
Make sure to keep it properly secured in its airtight packaging to keep the scent away from curious and hungry animals.
Freeze-dried food from a qualityfood storage company like Valley Food Storage needs very little preparation to be turned into a full course meal!
Freeze-dried food is an excellent choice for survival camping because it's lightweight, is one of the foods with the longest shelf life, and is easy to prepare. You just need to add boiling water, wait for a few minutes, and your meal is ready. This can be a lifesaver when you're tired or in a hurry. At Valley Food Storage, we offer a variety of delicious and nutritious options to keep you fueled on your adventure.
10. Basic First aid / Medical Kit: A Must-Have in Your Camping Survival Gear
Don’t go anywhere thinking you are impervious to the dangers of the area.
While your basic first aid kit won’t replace a proper doctor’s visit in the case of an extreme injury, when you find yourself in a camping survival situation, you'll be glad to have it.
It can definitely do the job for a grand majority of common injuries and infections when you’re on the spot.
- Band-aids of various sizes
- Gauze Ace bandage
- Aspirin
- Antihistamines
- Antiseptic wipes
- Triple antibiotic ointment
- Tweezers
- Insect repellent
- Sunblock Diarrhea medication
- Splints and wraps
- Disinfectant Alcohol
A good first aid kit should include not only bandages and antiseptics but also items to deal with more serious injuries. This might include a tourniquet for severe bleeding, a splint for broken bones, and an emergency blanket for warmth. It's also a good idea to include a guidebook on first aid procedures. You might know what to do in a calm situation, but stress and panic can make it hard to think clearly.
11. Water Purifier: Hydration Safety with Your Survival Camping Gear
Drinking water can be a rare source depending on your excursion location. This valuable resource can be purified from its bacteria-ridden form with purification tablets, drinking straws, and more conventional methods like boiling. Don’t drink from a strange water source directly, even if you're in a survival camping situation if you can help it, unless you want to die from dysentery as so many did while traveling on the Oregon Trail.
12. Multi-Purpose Solar Power Bank: Essential Survival Gear for Power
Before you jump to conclusions, Solar Power Banks aren’t meant to charge your phone alone. Certain Power Banks are built to be durable, long-lasting, sources of energy and one ofalternate heat sources since it can be used to turn on any device that provides heat.
They are versatile enough to double as a light source while also charging supplies that you depend on.
The majority of us like to leave electronics behind to break away from nature, but some people will still need their phones to communicate with family or friends for important reasons.
If your pleasant camping trip turns into survival camping, but your phone is dead from watching Netflix in your tent at night, you'll be glad to even have enough juice to send out that emergency text.
Some solar power banks even have additional survival features such as built-in flashlights, emergency sirens, and radios. This multi-functionality makes them an excellent addition to your survival camping gear. But remember, just like all your gear, it's important to understand how to use your solar power bank before you head out. Test it at home and make sure you know how long it takes to charge and how many charges it can provide.
13. Emergency Survival Camping Supplies: Prepping for the Unexpected
If you get lost out in the wilderness for one reason or another, you lose your compass and map, the trail back gets washed away, whatever…
You’re going to want search and rescue services to find you.
Whistles, long-range radios, reflective signals, a compass, wind-up signal/flashlight, and flares are just a few of the items that can assist in your recovery.
Plus, telling a professional the exact route and area on your itinerary is free insurance in case of an emergency.
There is Always More to Explore!
We hope you take this information here and build the best possible survival camping kit you can! Just because you don't have your survival food sample buckets doesn't mean you can't put together a good survival plan.
The world is a massive place full of things to experience and grounds to explore!
Become a master of the wilderness and be the Alpha survivalist of everyone you know.
Take the reins of your next camping trip and guarantee your group knows what to pack, what to do to prepare, and what it takes to be a survivor in the wild!
Remember, when it comes to survival camping, preparation is key. So, make sure your camping survival gear is organized, easy to carry, and contains all the essential survival gear you might need. With the right preparation and equipment, you can enjoy the great outdoors with the peace of mind that you're ready for any situation. Happy camping!