34 résultats pour "Guest Author"
Minimum Calories to Survive: How Many Calories Do I Need to Survive?
On a day-to-day basis, most of us are fortunate enough not to have to ask ourselves, “how many calories do I need to survive?” However, suppose a natural disaster strikes or civil unrest breaks out, and SHTF. You may be forced into a survival situation, where you become more concerned about the minimum calories per day you need to survive.
Rain Collection: How Using a Rainwater Collection System Can Help You Survive
There are many ways to prepare for a disaster. But for most of us, preparing for an emergency or natural disaster involves preparing drinking water for when the municipal water source becomes unreliable and survival food buckets for when food shortages strike our grocery stores.
20 DIY Survival Hacks | Prepper Hacks for When SHTF
Survival is a difficult concept to learn, especially when SHTF and you are left with the bare minimum to survive. Lucky for you we are experts on DIY survival at Valley Food Storage. To help you prepare for when SHTF we have created a list of 20 DIY Survival prepper hacks that are easy to learn.
How to Survive a Nuclear Bomb: Can You Survive A Nuclear Bomb?
It is time to prepare yourself on how to survive a nuclear war. With tensions still high between the United States and Russia, it’s essential to be a holistic prepper. Those who will survive a massive nuclear attack are equipped with the proper knowledge and supplies.
20 Ways to Heat Food Without Electricity: A Guide on How To Cook Food Without Power
We are no strangers to power outages. Hurricanes, winter storms, tornados, and other types of emergencies consistently knock out our power and create food shortages. But you do not have to go hungry just because there is a power outage. Instead, you can cook nutritious meals without relying on electricity.
6 Ways to Preserve Garden Vegetables: How to Store your Garden Harvest
There are few things in the world as fulfilling as growing your own food. However, if your garden is super bountiful, you’ve probably wondered how to preserve vegetables, so you don’t waste the fruits of your labor. On top of not wanting to waste fresh food, you probably also want to preserve your food to keep your family fed during natural disasters, civil unrest, or other emergencies.
31 Gifts for Homesteaders in Your Life That They'll Actually Use
Finding the best gifts for homesteaders can be a little tricky. They tend to be a pretty self-reliant group! But there is actually a wide range of homestead gifts out there, making it hard to choose the most appropriate one. To help you out, we’ve compiled an extensive list of 31 fantastic homestead gift ideas. So let’s see what we’ve got!
How to Cook Your Emergency Food When the Power Is Out
Many of you have emergency food stockpiled but not all of you will be able to cook without power. This post - answers everything you need to know about cooking emergency food with no power!
Today's blog was guest written by Diane Vukovic of Primal Survivor.
Safe Food Storage for Camping & Backpacking
The camping and outdoorsy lifestyle is the best…until you get back from your hike, exhausted and starving, to see a bear or some other wild animal has ransacked your camp and eaten your food.
Hurricane Supply List: A Hurricane Supply List to Help you Prep
Hurricanes strike the coastlines of the United States every year. Typically, the season lasts from June through November. Hurricanes cause massive damage and take the lives of innocent people. That is why we think it is so important to be ready for hurricanes and why we’ve created a hurricane preparedness list.
Updated 2023 Bug Out Bag List: Your Complete List of Go Bag Essentials
When SHTF, some preppers will choose to rely on the resources they’ve stockpiled and their current location to wait out whatever the emergency event might be. However, other preppers will decide to evacuate or “bug out” to survive the event until things settle down.
How Much Food Storage Do I Need?: Calculate How Much Food To Store Per Person
There are so many questions you must answer when stockpiling and prepping for the safety of your family, like “What should I be prepping?”, “Where should I store my stockpile?”, and many more. We are here today to answer “how much food to store per person”!
Prepping Checklist | Prepping for Beginners Supplies & Guide
Those who aren't panicking took the necessary steps to prepare. Learn how to start the process of prepping for beginners without all the overwhelm and confusion. In this article we detail how you can begin the process of preparing as a beginner.
SHTF Plans: How To Prepare Your SHTF Plan Before You Need It!
It’s impossible to know when sh*t may hit the fan (SHTF). For that reason, it’s essential to stay prepared for the unexpected, such as natural disasters, civil unrest, or nuclear warfare. Part of being well prepared is having a cache of survival food kits, water storage containers, and other equipment.
Survival Shelter: Bushcraft & Primitive Shelter Ideas
There may come a time when you need to bug out of the city and leave your home behind. In this case, you may need to build a survival shelter to keep yourself warm or stay dry in rainy weather. For that reason, using bushcraft knowledge to create primitive survival shelters is a skill set every practical prepper should possess.
18 Items for Your Power Outage Kit: Power Outage Necessities
Unexpected power outages on a normal day can be frustrating, especially if they last longer than expected. But the situation is much worse when a storm is about to hit your area. Then, the pouring rain or strong winds make it impossible to get out of the house, even to grab a few necessary items to make your power outage kit.
Survival Rules of 3: The Rule of Three for Survival
In a survival situation, you have to assess your surroundings and deal with the most immediate problem first. For example, if the weather is worsening, it’s time to construct a shelter or build a fire. On the other hand, if the weather is agreeable, but you are low on potable water, then it’s time to collect more water.
34 Practical & Useful Gifts for Men | Practical Gifts of the Guy Who Has Everything
Gift-giving can be pretty fun and easy since everyone has unique hobbies and interests that allow you to find the perfect gift for them, but what can be done about the guy who already has everything?
Creating a Survival Community | The Value of a Prepper Community
When it comes to prepping, you are not alone. Thousands of like-minded individuals and families are preparing just in case disaster strikes. You can rely on these people to create a prepper community and survive when sh*t hits the fan (SHTF).
14 EDC Essentials for Your Pockets: Our Everyday Carry Gear List
EDC items are Every Day Carry essentials that come in handy when heading outdoors or in emergencies.
For instance, although the pandemic outbreak embraced remote work, around 50% of companies want their employees back in the office. Numerous US citizens are now bound to continue their jobs physically, which means traveling away from home.
How to Decide When You Should Bug Out and When You Should Bug In
It’s never a bad thing to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Part of being prepared for emergencies like natural disasters or civil unrest is understanding the terms “bugging out” and “bugging in.” The definitions of these important terms, the pros and cons that come with each strategy, and how to incorporate them into your emergency response preparedness plan will make or break your survival.
How to Prepare for Civil Unrest: How to Protect Your Home During Riots & Civil Unrest
In recent years we have seen more civil unrest than ever before. Public protests and riots in the United States spanned from coast to coast over the past two years with no sign of slowing down.
How to Heat & Boil Water Without Electricity
You don’t have electricity, you don’t have power, but you still need boiling water to cook your food. Well you're in luck! I have spent countless hours learning the best tips, tricks, and methods on how to boil water without electricity from survival experts.